Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Kind of Person God Uses

I'm in a season right now where I have about 35 plates spinning all at one time. I am spending my days making sure none of them fall and break. It's ALL great stuff and I am having the time of my life.

In the midst of my plate spinning activities, I was handed an old classic book by one of my pastors, Walter Henrichsen's, Disciples Are Made Not Born. I first read this book in seminary and somewhere along the way I gave my copy to someone who never returned it. It was a breath of fresh air to revisit the timeless truth regarding disciple-making. One of my plates is a sermon I am working on for October 18th. This will be a special day at GABC that we are calling Vision Sunday. We just completed a six month strategic consultation with Lifeway Church services (that's another plate I've been spinning), and the results have given us a roadmap for our future. This little book by Henrichsen and the principal of disciple-making is something the folks at Grand will hear more about on the 18th.

The first chapter is titled The Kind of Person God Uses. In it, Henrichsen submits 9 characteristics of a potential disciple. And so today, I give these to you to consider and measure you own life against.

1. He has adopted as his objective in life the same objective God sets forth in life.

2. He is willing to pay any price to have the will of God fulfilled in his life.

3. He has a love for the Word of God.

4. He has a servant heart.

5. He puts no confidence in the flesh.

6. He does not have an independent spirit.

7. He has a love for people.

8. He does not allow himself to become trapped in bitterness.

9. He has learned to discipline his life.



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