I received this email communication from Scott Ward today. Scott is our missionary on the ground in Tanzania. Chome is a three village area that our team from Grand scattered seed in back in August. It is located in a remote area of the Pare mountains in Tanzania and the people that live there are considered "unreached." But not anymore... About two months after we left a church was planted. Read this short update and get excited....
Hey Jeff,
I just wanted to let you know that we attended church in Chome this morning with the FBC team. There were many, many people there. I am not good with numbers, but I think it was around 75. I have never seen such excitement. We will start another church next week in a small village nearby, and they are already talking about what village is next! We now have over 20 more people needing to be baptized, and people are receiving Jesus every day. The Muslim man who owns the house that they are renting for their church services accepted Christ yesterday. I just wanted to let you guys know about the church that you guys played a role in starting. It is unbelievable!
WOWWWWW! Incredible news! Thank you for the update!
Scott, we will pray for your continued service for Jesus!
bless you
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