We rolled out a new logo for Grand yesterday, all part of a rebranding of our church graphically. We will use the new logo on everything – letterhead, hoodies, website, coffee mugs, mouse pads, posters, etc. I’m even considering getting the new logo tattooed on my chest. As we had our discussions about what the new logo for our church should look like we soon discovered that it would be no easy task. In fact, something so simple as a logo is really hard to decide upon. There’s just a lot to consider. And when you talk about church logos the stakes it seems are even higher. Scott Ward, our mission and media pastor, ran across a church logo guide from StuffChristiansLike.net that was a huge help to us all. I wanted to share it with you here for your own edification.
Stuff Christians Like Church Logo Holiness Guide:
1. You have a sun rising over a horizon, possibly spreading light through the “O” in the name of your church = + 3 points
2. A dove is flying gracefully through your logo = +1 point
3. A dove is flying gracefully through your logo with an olive branch in its mouth = +2 points
4. A dove is flying gracefully through your logo with an olive branch in its mouth and a “Jesus loves you” tattoo on one of its wings = +3 points
5. A swirl of flame is erupting somewhere on your logo = +1 point
6. There is an open Bible in your logo = +1 point
7. There is an open Bible in your logo and in tiny print you can actually see the words to John 3:16 on the page. = +2 points
8. A lion and a lamb are hanging out together on your logo = +1 point
9. A lion and a lamb are playing Frisbee golf together on your logo = +2 points
10. Crown of thorns = +2 points
11. Bedazzled crown befitting the King of Kings = +2 points
12. A worship eagle is high fiving a dove mid air = +5 points
13. There is a cluster of grapes or collection of wheat = +3 points
14. There is a chalice on the logo = +1 point
15. The chalice is encrusted with bling better suited to lil Jon, not Sweet Baby Jesus = – 3 points
16. A big blue globe is floating somewhere in the background = +1 point
17. The scene were Elisha calls the bears down on some teenagers is somehow worked into your logo = +10 points
18. Ichthus or Jesus Fish is present = + 2 points for each
19. Instead of the letter A, you used an Icthus that kind of looks like it is walking on its tail in your church name = +3 points
So how do you think we scored with our new logo? What about your church’s logo?
I think we "stole" Garth Brooks logo! Lol.
Say it isn't so!
Garth's "g" is surrounded by a capital G. It's all about him. Ours is surrounded by an O - spells the word "Go" as in The Great Commission:) It's hard to "steal" letters from the alphabet, or maybe it's easy...I'm not sure!
Garth got on to Glenn Beck, but he will leave us alone. He is an oSu alumni so I will talk to him. I am going to take all those ideas for logos and incorporate them into one mega-logo (which we won't want to use) unless we want to change the name of our church to: First
Full Gospel Holy Pentacostal Church of the Living God and Pillar of Truth I Tim 3:15
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