We spent the entire day in Mwembe. Our goal was to do door-to-door visiting in the morning to help promote and strengthen the new church. When I say "door-to-door" it's not exactly the way it is in America. Door-to-door in the villages of rural Tanzania involves lots of hiking between homesteads. We defintely saw the part of Tanzania that is NOT in the tourist guide. The visits were very much like it is at home. Some people welcomed us into their homes with great enthusiam while others said they were too busy and so we moved on. When we did get to go in a home, we were able to take turns sharing our testimonies while Pastor Fanuel translated.
We had a traditional Tanzanian lunch that invloved elephant ear tubors, rice, and vegetable stew - Mmmmmm!
The afternoon was extremely exciting. We moved down the road to the larger more concentrated village in Mwembe where there is a soccer field. No grass, just dirt. We had heard there was going to be a soccer game which made this the perfect opportunity to interact with youth and adults since everyone goes to the soccer games. We had brought 15 soccer balls with air pumps with us not knowing for sure how we might use them. It just so happened - or MAYBE it was God:) that we found ourselves at a soccer match! The team was using an OLD beat up basketball as their soccer ball. We were able to roll a nice new REAL soccer ball onto the field and the players went nuts. Scott and Fanuel were able to meet the coaches and we struck up a deal. Scott is a former soccer coach in the states so we told the coaches that an America soccer coach, Scott, lives in Same. We told them that we would like to povide there league with free soccer balls and Scott will also come in and do some instruction. We told them our goal was to do the same in Chome and then work towards getting the two communities together for soccer games between themselves. Of course, this will all open the door for Scott to promote the church in Mwembe and the soon to be new church in Chome. It's amazing how God works.
While at the soccer field, Jeff Carnell, who is a black belt in marital arts, was able to hold a "Kung Fu" demonstration. We had a ton of young men gather to watch. Jeff then shared his testimony. It was awesome! Scott Ward said this was by far the largest pentration they have had to date with the young men and boys of Mwembe. Once again, God is amazing.
We ended our day in Mwembe by going back to the new church and having a time of prayer for the Sunday church service tomorrow. I will be preaching and Fanuel will translate for me.
Pray for us as tomorrow is the climax of our time in this area. Monday we will leave Mwembe and Same and move to Arusha and visit the students training for ministry at the seminary.
We are in great spirits and God has blessed our trip. Please keep praying and following us on the blog.
elephant tumor soup sounds just delicious- anybody want a nice hamburger right now? My prayers are with you all for safety, health, and divine provision- ordered steps.
Darrell Durbrow
A hamburger sounds GREAT right about now, Darrell. Thanks!!
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